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Online Exhibitions

Online Exhibitions of 2009


Collection of Maria Sibylla Merian's Watercolours in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Presidents of The Academy of Sciences (1724-1936):

Blumentrost Lavrentii Lavrentievich (1692-1755), President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1725-1732

Keyserlingk Hermann-Karl (1696-1765), President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1733-1734

Korff Johann Albrecht (1697-1766), President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1734-1740

Brevern Karl (1704-1744), President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1740-1741

Razumovskii Kirill Grigorievich (1728-1803), President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1746-1798

Nicolay Heinrich Ludwig (Andrei Lvovich), von (1737-1820), President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1798-1803

Novosiltsov Nikolai Nokolaevich (1762/68-1838), Count, President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1803-1810

Uvarov Sergei Semenovich (1786-1855), President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1818-1855

Bludov Dmitrii Nikolaevich (1785-1864), President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1855-1864

Litke Fedor Petrovich (1797-1882), Count, President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1864-1882

Tolstoi Dmitrii Andreevich (1823-1889), President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1882-1889

Romanov Konstantin Konstantinovich (1858-1915), Grand Duke, President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1889-1915

Karpinskii Aleksander Petrovich (1847-1936), President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1917-1936


Online Exhibitions of 2010


Documents on the History of the Russian Academy (1783-1841)

To the 150th Anniversary of S.F. Platonov (1860-1933)

From "1941 to 1945"

Documents of SPbB ARAS for the Anniversary Exhibition "Science and War" in the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Online Exhibitions of 2011


To the 270th Birth Anniversary of Peter Simon Pallas and the 200th Anniversary of "Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica" publication

"Ust-Ruditsa Privilege": Charter issued from Empress Elizaveta Petrovna to M.V. Lomonosov for the land in Koporye uiezd, the village of Ust-Ruditsa

"A Journey to Kamchatka". To the Tercentenary of the Birth of Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov (1711-1755)

The Origins of Caucasian Studies in Russia: Marie-Felécité Brosset (05.02.1802-03.09.1880)

To the 150th Birth Anniversary of Academician Evfimii Fedorovich Karskii (1860-1931)


Online Exhibitions of 2012


Russian-Polish Scientific Relations. V.L. Kotvich (W. Kotwicz), specialist in Mongolian Studies: to the 140th Birth Anniversary

The Socialist Competition Contract Between the Academies of Sciences of the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR. 3 March, 1930

Two Letters: Letter from I.A. Orbeli to I.V. Stalin and the answer from I.V. Stalin to I.A. Orbeli

Academician Prince Boris Borisovich Golitsyn (1862-1916): Portraits of Different Years. To the 150th Birth Anniversary

Academy Institutions of the USSR and the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences: 1929-1931

Academician - The Hero of Borodino

Russia and Germany: To the History of Scientific Cooperation

To the 150th Birth Anniversary of Nikolai Petrovich Likhachev (1862-1936)

2012 - the Year of Russian History. One Photo Exhibition. "Russian Historical Olympus". The Participants of the Preliminary Meeting on Conducting the IVth International Historical Congress in St. Petersburg in 18-20 December, 1913

To the Bicentenary of the Birth of Izmail Ivanovich Sreznevskii (1812-1880), Philologist, Specialist on Slavic Studies, Palaeographer, Ethnographer


Online Exhibitions of 2013


A.N. Krylov - to the 150th Birth Anniversary

S.F. Oldenburg - Touches to the Biography

Oldenburg - spiritus movens of the Academy of Sciences after 1917

S.F. Oldenburg as a Historian of Science

"The Personnel Means Everything": Training Postgraduate Students Sent by the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1930s)

From the History of the Buildings of the Library of the Academy of Sciences (according to the documents of SPbB ARAS)

The Pushkin House: Finding Its Own Home (according to the documents of SPbB ARAS)

Honorary Academician K. R.

The Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences during the Pre-war Period: Chronicle of Cooperation in the Minutes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

The Archive of the Kunstkammer. From the History of the First Archaeological Collections: the Collection of Aquamaniles

"Hic tuta perennat" - the Academy Seal of the XVIIIth century

Exploring Siberia: Topography of Siberian Cities According to the Plans of the XVIIIth century

The Demidovs Nizhny Tagil Factory of the XVIIIth century in the drawings held in SPbB ARAS

Projects of an Academic Campus on Vasilievsky Island in the first half of the XVIIIth century

Dovnar-Zapolskii Mitrofan Viktorovich (1867-1934) and St. Petersburg Scientific Community

Lappo-Danilevskii Alexander Sergeevich (1863-1919): to the 150th Birth Anniversary. Persons and Documents


Online Exhibitions of 2014


Military Archaeological Expedition to Trebizond under the Guidance of Academician F.I. Uspenskii in 1916-1917

The Main Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo

Touches to the History of the Academy's Printing House

The Main Physical Observatory on Vasilievsky Island

To the 150th Anniversary of Academician A.A. Shakhmatov (1864-1920). Part 1

To the 150th Anniversary of Academician A.A. Shakhmatov (1864-1920). Part 2

To the 150th Anniversary of Academician A.A. Shakhmatov (1864-1920). Part 3

To the 150th Anniversary of Academician A.A. Shakhmatov (1864-1920). Part 4

To the 150th Anniversary of Academician A.A. Shakhmatov (1864-1920). Part 5

The Archive of the Kunstkammer: Gathering and Studying a Teratological Collection in the XVIIIth century

To the Tercentenary of the Kunstkammer. Chinese Collection of Ia.V. Brus (J.D. Bruce)

History Pages of the Kunstkammer Building (according to the documents of SPbB ARAS)

"The Russian Season" in Cambridge in 1916


Online Exhibitions of 2015


To the History of the Academy Hospital for Wounded Soldiers. 1914-1916

Pre-Congress of Russian Philologists. St. Petersburg. 10-15 April, 1903

The Third International Congress on Iranian Art and Archaeology (1935)

Lomonosov Institute Project

The Museum of Palaeography of Nikolai Petrovich Likhachev. Part 1

The Museum of Palaeography of Nikolai Petrovich Likhachev. Part 2

The Museum of Palaeography of Nikolai Petrovich Likhachev. Part 3

The Museum of Palaeography of Nikolai Petrovich Likhachev. Part 4

The Museum of Palaeography of Nikolai Petrovich Likhachev. Part 5

The Siege Winter of a Scholar: Memoirs of I.I. Liubimenko


Online Exhibitions of 2016


Scientist and Artist: G.P. Gelmersen (Helmersen) (1803-1885) in the Urals

D.G. Messerschmidt in Tobolsk. 1719-1720

"I was accompanied by Mr. Claus": Adolph Kupffer's Journey to the Urals in 1828

To the 175th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Division of the Russian Language and Literature: Academician A.Kh Vostokov

Die Kunst der Pflanzendarstellung

From the History of the Division of the Russian Language and Literature: Academician N.P. Kondakov

Academician N.P. Kondakov and his Time

Archaeological Expeditions of Academician N.P. Kondakov

From "Pushkin Razriad" of the Academy of Sciences to the Pushkin House and the House of Pushkin: from the History of A.S. Pushkin Apartment Museum at Moika, 12

"Physical" Expedition of I.A. Güldenstädt to Astrakhan Region, the Caucasus, Ukraine and Novorossiya (1768-1775)

Curators of the Memory: Academician E.F. Karskii's Family (1860-1931) and his Descendants in the Archival Documents


Online Exhibitions of 2017


Teacher and Student: Roman Fedorovich Brandt (1853-1920) and Evfimii Fedorovich Karskii (1860-1931)

Correspondents of Academician E.F. Karskii (1860-1931) - Members of the Imperial -Russian - All-union Academy of Sciences in the Division of the Russian Language and Literature

To the 150th Birth Anniversary of S.A. Zhebelev (1867-1941)

Portraits of Minister for Public Education P.A. Shirinskii-Shikhmatov in the Collection of SPbB ARAS

Portrait of Academician Ia.I. Berednikov

Ñhairmanship of the Division of the Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. 1841-1917

The First History Pages of the Division of the Russian Language and Literature

Academician George-Frédéric Parrot: to the 250th Birth Anniversary

"The title belongs to him..." History of Electing Maxim Gorky to the Academy of Sciences (1902-1917)

Academy Life Chronicle of 1917


Online Exhibitions of 2018


Estampages of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople in the Collection of SPbB ARAS

Aleksei Andreevich Bialynitskii-Birulia (1864-1937): a Gallery of Scientific Societies' Diplomas

To the 200th Anniversary of the Asiatic Museum: One Document Exhibition

From the History of the Division of the Russian Language and Literature: to the 100th Anniversary of the Spelling Reform

Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specialist in Byzantine studies Vladimir Nikolaevich Beneshevich

«Pavloviana» (documents connected with I.P. Pavlov): Rare Visual Materials

Home Life of a Family of Orientalists: Ignatii Iulianovich Krachkovskii and Vera Aleksandrovna Krachkovskaia

Iadviga Richardovna Shmidt: Physicist and Poet-translator

A Scientist Paints Scientists: Portraits by Ia.I. Frenkel'

V.N. Ipat'ev's Formula of Life: to the 150th Birth Anniversary of the Scientist

Letters of Belarusian Writers to E.F. Karskiy in the St. Petersburg Branch of the RAS Archive

From the History of Academy Anniversaries: Commemorative Medal of 1826

...Nunc me vocant studia : Students of the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University, 1856-1860


Online Exhibitions of 2019

N.Ya. Marr Close-up: Portraits of Different Years

Poetic Works of Professor Kholodkovskiy

Andrey P. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskiy - Poet

Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt: to the 300th Anniversary of the Siberian Expedition (1719-1727)

Anniversaries of St. Petersburg University. 1819-2019

The Siege Winter of a Scholar: Memoirs of I.I. Liubimenko